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Join a 4-H Club
4-H BC has clubs across the province. To find out which club is right for you, please contact the District Key Leader from your area prior to submitting an online application. View our Clubs page to find the 4-H club closest to you and the contact information for our Key Leaders.
If there are no existing clubs in your area, starting a 4-H club is easy! Contact 4-H BC for further information.
Our Mission
4-H BC builds life and career skills, develops agricultural awareness, while inspiring, educating, and supporting youth through hands-on learning.
Our Vision
Empowering youth to develop the skills needed to be confident, productive citizens and leaders who effect positive change in their communities and realize personal success.
4-H Canada is open to all without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability.
Member enrollment opens December 1st annually.
To prepare for enrollment, please contact the 4-H BC office if:
you have changed your email address since the last time you registered
you would like to change the email address that is associated with your account
you have forgotten your Username &/or Password
Please do not create a new account unless you are a new member and have not previously registered with 4-H BC.