Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to live on a farm or own an animal to join?
No. The 4-H program is for all youth, no matter where you live. 4-H does have a strong history in agriculture, but it also has a strong history in youth development. 4-H is about learning, building skills and building self-confidence, through club projects and camps and conferences. We have many projects available ranging from chocolate to small engines, to conservation, to canine!
If a member wants to join an animal/livestock club but doesn’t own an animal, no problem! There are many ways your child can still participate. Many clubs learn about animals but don’t require the members to own them. The dog/canine club, veterinary club, or online horse club are all great examples of this!
What do the four “H’s” stand for?
The four “H’s” in 4-H stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health. They are the values behind the 4-H program around the world.
What is the 4-H motto?
The key component of the 4-H program is learning through experience and this objective is encompassed in the Canadian 4-H motto – Learn To Do By Doing. Youth are encouraged to better themselves through true participation throughout all levels of the 4-H program. 4-H helps youth develop a variety of life skills related to working with others, projects of special interest and becoming a contributing citizen. The 4-H motto applies directly to the development of these skills as it stipulates that 4-H youth learn skills by doing activities related to those skills.
Why is there a 4-H Pledge?
The pledge is said at the beginning of every meeting or 4-H event. It encourages a balanced lifestyle (intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual), and reminds participants to always aim to be a good friend, mentor, community member and citizen. The pledge encompasses the ideals and main goal of the 4-H program; developing well-rounded, responsible and independent youth.
I pledge
my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service and
my Health to better living
for my club, my community, my country and my world.