External Credits
Receive course credit towards graduation.
External 4-H Grade 11 and 12 Information
External 4-H Grade 11: 4 Credits
Project Pin Certification for Applied Skills
To achieve a project pin, senior 4-H members must enroll in a designated project following the completion of their junior proficiency certificate and receive four senior skill certificates in that project area.
The four senior skill exams are both written and practical with 75% required to pass the exams. Senior skill requirements are as outlined in the External Credits document. The exams are to obtained from and returned to the 4-H British Columbia head office.
All leaders should ensure that they have the most recent versions of the exams. Any out of date exam submitted will be returned unmarked.
Program Certification for Applied Skills
Senior 4-H members enrolled in 4-H Clubs may present speeches, demonstrations, learn safety skills, prepare educational displays, and attend 4-H Youth Action, or Agri-Career Adventure, or Rural Urban Connections, and/or 4-H Provincial Club Week.
To complete Program certification, members must submit four certificates (maximum of one each of numbers 1. to 5. or four from 6.) to their District 4-H Awards Coordinator:
Public Speaking Senior Skill Certificate with a score over 75%
Demonstration Senior Skill Certificate with a score over 75%
Educational Display Senior Skill Certificate with a score over 75%
One provincial 4-H Conference Participation Certificate from 4-H Youth Action, 4-H Rural Urban Connections, Agri-Career
Adventure, or 4-H Provincial Club Week
Speak and Show Senior Skill Certificate with a score over 75%
Four different Safety Senior Skill Certificates (two from part A and two from part B) each with a score over 75%
External 4-H Grade 12 Credit
Honour Pin Certification
Two Project pins; or
Project Pin Certificate (A) plus Program Certificate (B) or
One Project pin plus one Senior Management Certificate; or
One Project pin plus one Self-determined project Certificate; or
One Project pin plus three years of 4-H Junior Leadership
All Project pins, Program Certification and Honour pins are obtained by 4-H members through the regular senior skill exams and certificates of the 4-H British Columbia Award Opportunities program. Once members have completed the requirements for either External 4-H 11 or External 4-H 12 course credit they can request the certificate necessary to present to their school through their District 4-H Awards Coordinator as follows:
4-H member must present the 4-H senior skill or other certificates that verify completion of the requirements of the course to 4-H Awards Coordinator.
4-H Awards Coordinator will send a copy of the member's award card (with 4-H member home address) and with the necessary requirements for the course on it (already verified) to the 4-H British Columbia provincial office.
Youth & Community Development Specialist will issue Official Certificate with one of the following three titles, include the student's name, program requirements, mark in percentage, verification, signature and date.
4-H Program Certification
4-H Project Pin Certification
4-H Honour Pin Certification
4-H member will receive the 4-H Program Certification, 4-H Project Pin Certification, or 4-H Honour Pin Certification directly to their home address.
4-H member has responsibility to take the certificate to their school counsellor to receive the course credit.
The 4-H grading system is:
A 86-100%, B 75-85%
The school must decide whether to report the student's level of achievement as a school percent and letter grade, or as a Transfer Standing (TS) letter grade. TS have no negative or positive impact on a student's Grade Point Average (GPA).
For more information on how to earn 4-H 11 and 12 credit courses talk to your District 4-H Key Leader or Awards Coordinator or contact 4-H British Columbia email: mail@bc4h.bc.ca