4-H BC Alumni
Share Your Story
Rhodena (Cronk) Finlay
The core values of the 4-H program remain the same. “Learn to do by doing”, achieve your personal best and have fun along the way. Make friends and take opportunities to learn new skills, accept challenges and enjoy the friendships that will last a lifetime…
Melanie Buckler
4-H provided me with many opportunities and experiences in the agricultural industry that I never would’ve known existed. Growing up in the city, I believed that the only option for working with animals would’ve been to become a veterinarian…
Katrina Jones
To any young person in 4-H I would like to say, stick with it. The confidence and skills built in the program, for me, were life-changing…
Jarrett Chung-Smith
I’ve been involved with 4-H, in some capacity, for as long as I can remember – some might say I was born into the program…
Susy Chung-Smith
4-H has been a significant part of my life since an early age and has made a heartfelt impact. My 4-H life journey…
Donna Jack
I am currently a leader with the Saanich 4-H Lamb Club, and my journey in 4-H began in an unexpected way. Our family had decided to start a hobby farm…
Paige Kelly
What are the most valuable skills you gained through your 4-H experience?
“I started 4-H as a clover bud at 6 years old. I stayed until I aged out at 19! Through these years I had so many…..