Farm Safety
4-H BC Safety Publications
4-H Cares/AWARE
(Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Education)
This program provides 4-H members, leaders and parents with information on animal care and husbandry. There is also a focus on appropriate animal displays and how to interact with the public.
For more information on this program, contact Sarah van Heeswijk at sarah.vanheeswijk@gov.bc.ca
4-H Farm Safety Program
This 4-H education program was developed to reduce the risk of accidents faced by children on BC farms and ranches and in rural communities. It is a partnership between the BC 4-H Provincial Council, the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the BC Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association. Sponsorship is provided by the Canadian Agriculture Safety Program, utilizing Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada funding. Each 4-H club has a youth Safety Officer and each 4-H district in BC has a District Safety Coordinator.
On Farm Food Safety Program
Food safety begins on the farm and education is the first important step in reducing food safety risks at all levels of the food chain. The new user friendly On-Farm-Food-Safety resources for beef, dairy, sheep, and swine club members will prepare them to think "food safe" on the farm when caring for their animals. Thanks to the BC Verified Beef program and beef industry for leading the way in this important initiative and to Annette Moore of Quality First in Agriculture for providing the technical expertise to make these resources pertinent to young people. The resources were made possible through contributions from the BC Verified Beef Program and a government grant under the Agriculture Policy Framework: A Federal-Provincial-Territorial initiative.
For more information on this program, contact Jennifer Van Ryk at jennifer.vanryk@gov.bc.ca
Farm & Home Safety Committee
The BC 4-H Farm & Home Safety Committee is dedicated to bringing information and reminders about safety in our everyday lives to as many homes as possible. Safety is an important issue in our day to day living not only in our work, but our leisure and recreational activities as well. If even one accident can be prevented it is worth the effort!
Specifically, this program is targeted to:
Raise awareness of farm safety issues with 4-H youth and rural families.
Reduce the number of accidents and deaths on farms and in rural communities.
Educate and train 4-H members, and rural and farm families on safety.
'Protecting Tomorrows Food Producers—From Fatalities and Injuries Today'
Tractor Safety Videos
Knowing how to live, play, and work safely around farm equipment is essential to life on the farm. This youth-oriented video highlights the hazards associated with working around machinery, and demonstrates how to work safely to protect yourself and others. This video was created for 4-H BC in partnership with WorkSafeBC, AgSafe, and the BC Ministry of Agriculture.